Jeffrey Evans
Quantitative Methods in Spatial Ecology
R Tutorials
Reading spatial (vector) feature classes in R
An introduction to managing, importing and exporting spatial vector objects in R using the “sp”, “rgdal” and “maptools” packages.
Manipulating spatial vector data in R
An introduction to manipulating and querying spatial vector objects in R.
Plotting spatial objects in R
An introduction to using the basic R plotting engine to plot spatial objects.
Raster analysis and manipulation in R
An introduction to importing and manipulating rasters objects in R using the “sp” , “rgdal” and “raster” packages.
Cluster analysis in R
Introducing cluster analysis in R using K-Means, K-Medoids, Fuzzy C-Means and spatially constrained Agglomerative Hierarchical methods.
A rarity index for spatial conservsation planning
A new metric (H-prime) for assessing rarity of targets in spatial conservation portfolios. This method provides an “expected” value that indicates over or under dispersal thus, providing more stability than the Relative Biodiversity Index (RBI).
Random Forests species distribution model
An analysis workflow for implementing a species distribution model in Random Forests.